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.And even if he was one of the Crescent's best and brightest—or so hiscaptain had claimed—the monthly stipend he received from Uncle Dregaul was nothing to sneer at, for it was in actuality far more than his lieutenant's pay.And truthfully, he got along well with most of his relatives.He was looking forward to seeing his grandmother, and Emriana of course.Thinking of his younger sister put a smile on Vambran's face, albeit a brief one.Uncle Dregaul—and Evester too, more and more— apparently felt the need to make Vambran miserable whenever he returned home from a tour of duty.What was so galling to the lieutenant was the way the older man so prominently displayed his antipathy, despite the fact that only a small circle of older family members knew the truth.There always seemed to be questions surrounding his choices, out-loud musings concerning what he was really doing with his life.That, even though it was common knowledge he would never hold the reins of the family business himself.Hell, Dregaul was the one who encouraged me to join the temple, Vambran thought, though he knew good and well that, at the time, the man was simply trying to get his nephew out of his sight.Anything to avoid reminding him of what happened, Vambran mused, sighing.Even so, Vambran knew that soldiering was not what Dregaul had had in mind, and he made a point of expressing that any chance he could.And that was really what the lieutenant's reluctance was all about.Every time Vambran returned home, his uncle and his older brother would poke and prod, hoping to hear that he was finally going to give up the soldiering, join the ranks of the true temple clergy, and rise to a position of prominence, which would in turn strengthen House Matrell's position with the Waukeenar.He hated it, and he wanted more than anything just to avoid the whole issue.When are you going to grow up? the lieutenant could hear his uncle asking.When are you going tostop wasting your time and opportunities doing a common man's work?What you really mean is, when am I going to make amends by being more useful to you, right, Uncle?Just thinking of the impending confrontation set the lieutenant on edge.Common or not, Vambran liked commanding soldiers, and he wasn't planning to give it up any time soon.But though the young man might have the firmest of convictions, Dregaul had a habit of manipulating his nephew with guilt.Sooner or later, his uncle would win.He always did.Standing up to Dregaul just made Vambran's stomach roil.Though that could be hunger, too, Vambran thought, smelling the thaek buns again.He supposed he was hoping a little wry amusement would ease his tensions, at least for a time.Turning onto a cobblestone-paved street winding up the hill from the harbor, Vambran left the wharf behind and moved deeper into the city of Arrabar, keeping half an eye out for the Matrell carriage.The street was alive with people gathered together or moving in large clumps, many of them dressed gaily and laughing together or singing.Lengths of rope or chain had been strung between buildings or along balconies, from which dangled hundreds of lanterns and multicolored pennants and streamers that wafted in the lazy, salt-laden breeze.The celebration of Spheres was in full swing, he realized.Vambran spotted a thaek bun cart offering the delicious meals and his mouth began to water.He shifted his satchel to his other shoulder and pulled his coin pouch free of the hidden pocket where he kept it inside his naraebul.He fumbled a pair of coppers out, slipped the pouch back underneath the short cloak, and strolled up to the cart.The proprietor passed him a large bun and took his coin with a smile, and Vambran was on his way, biting into the snack gingerly.His first mouthful rewarded himwith spicy meat, mushrooms, and onions soaked in a tomato-and-peppers sauce.He closed his eyes in contentment, savoring the taste.It's always the food I miss the most, the lieutenant mused, taking another bite.At the next corner, Vambran was forced to stop, for the crowds there had gotten a lot thicker, and he could see why.One of the many parades common to Spheres was passing by, led by a mitered Halanthi bedecked in his overly gaudy vestments.Even from that distance, Vambran could see the numerous gems and thread-of-gold sparkling all over the Waukeenar priest's scarlet cloak, as well as the robes themselves.The lieutenant thought he recognized the.Halanthi, though he wasn't certain.Not that seeing an unfamiliar face bedecked in Waukeenar vestments would have surprised him.The temple swelled with new priests almost every day, drawn to its resurgence since Waukeen had returned to Brightwater.In the two years since the Merchant's Friend had reappeared, the temple's ranks had nearly doubled.The priest waved and smiled at everyone as he strolled past, followed by a horde of musicians playing a lively dancing tune [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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