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."It's taken her!" Joel exclaimed."Use the stone," Jedidiah said calmly.Joel nodded.He pulled out the finder's stone and thought of the paladin.The beacon shone in the direction of the ward where the Sensate safe house was located."She's still alive," Jedidiah declared.They followed the beacon.It led them right to the Sensate safe house.Joel dashed inside, shouting the paladin's name.Holly lay on the white carpet, staining the wool red with her blood.Bors knelt beside her, sewing closed a great gash in the girl's stomach.He used a glowing golden needle that, although unthreaded, left a trace of golden stitches in Holly's flesh.It was a magic Joel had never seen before.Some sort of magic from Sigil, or perhaps from Bors's homeworld, Joel guessed.The three waited anxiously for the Sensate paladin to finish.When he looked up, Jedidiah asked, "What happened?"I heard Holly scream," Bors said."I saw this one run off" He pointed at Walinda."Then I found Holly in the street, left for dead.""You were following us," Walinda declared in an accusatory tone."Lucky I was," Bors replied coldly."Did you see what attacked them?" Joel asked.Bors shook his head.Joel gave the priestess of Bane a suspicious glare.Sensing what the bard must be thinking, Walinda went on the defensive."It was not I," she declared."Look." She showed them claw marks streaking her throat and arms."Besides, if I had attacked her, I would not have left the job half finished.Use your power to heal her and she will tell you so herself.Perhaps she got a better look at whatever it was.""We can't heal her," Jedidiah explained."Finder's power doesn't appear to extend to this place."Walinda sniffed haughtily."I told you he was a petty god," she said to Joel."At least he's not a dead god," Joel barked back.Jedidiah knelt beside the girl."Most of these are superficial cuts, as if whatever it was was just trying to hold Holly back.The belly wound seems the most life-threatening injury, aside from the loss of blood."Holly moaned softly.Then her eyes blinked open."Holly," Joel asked, "are you all right?"The girl moaned again."What attacked you?" Walinda demanded."Black thing.Furry, with wings," the young paladin whispered."Like Bear.""Bear!" Joel gasped."That's impossible.We cremated him.Holly, are you sure?"Holly shook her head.There were tears in her eyes.She turned her head toward Bors and said no more."She must rest," Bors insisted."Yes," Jedidiah agreed.He stood up."And we must get back to work," he said, taking up the pickax he'd retrieved from the street."Joel, Walinda, let's go.Bors will look after Holly.""I will stay," Walinda said."What?" Joel asked."I have been injured myself," the priestess of Bane said, "and you cannot heal me.I have no spells.I would be more hindrance than help.I will nurse the girl.I am better at causing wounds than healing them, but I do know something of the art."Jedidiah examined the priestess with a jaundiced eye, but after a moment he nodded."We'll return when we've found something," he said.Then the older priest wheeled about and headed for the door.Joel followed in his wake.Joel and Jedidiah walked back toward the Market Ward in the dark fog."That was strange, wasn't it?" Joel asked the older man."What?" Jedidiah replied."Walinda offering to nurse Holly.""Oh, that.Indeed it was," Jedidiah replied."I would have thought she'd want to be there when we found the hand no matter how wounded she was.""Unless the banelich has warned her that there may be a deadly guardian protecting the hand," Jedidiah pointed out."What do you think attacked Holly?""I don't think it was Bear.It could be another dark stalker.If the priests of Iyachtu Xvim caught wind of what Walinda was up to, they might have decided to send an agent here to prevent Bane's resurrection.Walinda said the creature attacked her first, and it left Holly once Walinda was gone.""It left Holly for dead," Joel pointed out."But it didn't leave her dead.Did you notice Holly was crying?"Joel nodded [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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