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."We're looking for Elaith Craulnobur," Arilyn began."If he wanted to see you, boy, he'd look for you," the giant observed with a nasty smile."Now git, before I turn you over my knee."Arilyn drew the moonblade."I'm afraid I must insist," she said softly.The man threw back his head and roared with laughter, drawing several other, equally rough-looking men to his side."He insists," he told one of them, jerking a thumb toward the slender "lad" in the doorway.His companions smirked.Danilo buried his face in his hands."She insists," he muttered."Nice sword, boy.Antique shop's down the street," one of the men taunted Arilyn."You might as well sell it, 'cause you don't look like you can use it.""Stand aside or draw your weapons," she said firmly."I do not fight unarmed men.""Right sportin' o' the lad, wouldn't you say?" piped up another.Hoots of laughter followed."Well, let's oblige the little chap," rumbled a deep bass voice from behind the human mountain in the doorway."Yeah.Show him some steel, boys." The speaker had the sun-weathered skin and rakish clothes of a Ruathym pirate.He flashed an evil grin—complete with several gold teeth—as he drew a long knife from his bright yellow sash.With a look of pained resignation, Danilo drew his own sword and stepped to Arilyn's side.The gathered ruffians looked the dandy over from plumed hat to polished boots and burst into renewed mirth.The elven proprietor, alerted by the commotion, looked up.As he glided toward the door, Arilyn sheathed the moonblade and removed the cap that covered her hair and ears.Elaith Craulnobur's eyes lit up in recognition."It's all right, Durwoon," the quessir said to the doorkeeper."Your diligence is commendable, but we must not scare away the customers."It was a gentle reprimand, but the huge man blanched and melted into the shadows, followed by his chastened cronies."What a pleasant surprise," Elaith murmured, pointedly speaking only to Arilyn."Welcome to my new establishment." Elaith gestured around at the bustle of activity."I acquired it just two nights past.The previous owner imbibed too freely, I'm afraid, and challenged me to a game of darts.So it goes.We plan to reopen this evening in time for the first night of the festival." He broke off suddenly and took Arilyn's gloved hand, bowing low over it."Forgive me.I doubt you've come here to discuss my latest business venture.Can I be of some service?""I hope so.You know that Rhys Ravenwind was killed the night we met at the House of Fine Spirits," Arilyn began."A tragedy," Elaith said smoothly."What has this to do with you or me?""You were there," Danilo pointed out ingenuously.The quessir raised his eyebrows in gentle reproach."As were you.I assure you, the watch has already made the same dreary assumption, and they are now completely satisfied with my innocence."Arilyn shot Danilo a quelling glance and turned back to the elf."May we talk alone?""By all means," Elaith agreed, eyeing Danilo with distaste.The elf took Arilyn's arm and drew her into the tavern.Refusing to be insulted or excluded, Danilo resolutely trailed behind."I do not presume to tell you your business, my dear etriel, but you would be well rid of that one," the elf murmured, too low for the human to hear."Don't think I haven't tried," Arilyn returned."Really.How very interesting," he mused.To Arilyn's surprise, Elaith contemplated her offhand remark as if it were a particularly important piece in a puzzle.She would have pressed him for an explanation, but they had traversed the length of the tavern and reached a back room that apparently served as his office.The elf had wasted no time in settling in to what had probably been a storeroom.The room had been swept and newly whitewashed, and the window that overlooked the back alley sparkled in the morning sun.Another window, which appeared to be newly installed, looked out over the tavern.Arilyn remembered that from the other side the window appeared to be a mirror.Elaith politely seated her in one of the leather chairs that flanked a desk of exotic Chultan teak.Danilo refused a chair.Carefully arranging the folds of his cape, he leaned indolently against the wall just behind Arilyn."What do you know about the bard's death?" Arilyn asked, getting right down to business.Elaith sat down behind his desk and spread his hands before him."Very little.I left the inn shortly after you retired.Why do you ask?""Never overlook the obvious, I always say," Danilo observed brightly.The quessir threw a contemptuous glance in Danilo's direction.The troublesome human hovered behind Arilyn Moonblade as if he intended to protect her, at the cost of his worthless life if need be.It was a humorous notion, but Elaith was not in the mood to be amused."Young man, don't try my patience.I am not the Harper Assassin, as you so clumsily imply." The elf's scowl faded, and he smiled evilly."If truth be told, I almost wish I were.He—or she—is very good indeed.""When next we encounter the Harper Assassin, we'll be sure to pass along your good wishes," Danilo drawled."I'm sure your approval means everything to him."Arilyn ignored her companion as she spoke to Elaith."I have reason to believe that the assassin is someone within the Harper ranks.""Really?" Danilo broke in, sounding surprised.She threw a glance over her shoulder at the nobleman."Yes.Now if you'll excuse me for a moment?" She turned back to Elaith."This makes any investigation difficult for me.Obviously, I cannot make inquiries directly for fear of alerting the wrong person.""Obviously," Elaith murmured with a smile."I am delighted to be of service, but might I ask why you have come to me?""I need information, and I'm aware that you have many connections in this city.I will pay whatever fee you require.""That will not be necessary," the moon elf said firmly."The Harpers are unlikely to pass secrets on to me, at least not directly, but I have other sources, as well as information not available to the Harpers.I will certainly make inquiries." Elaith opened a drawer and pulled out parchment and a quill."Why don't you tell me a little more about this assassin.Start with the kill list."Kill list.Arilyn winced at the elf's choice of words, spoken with such callous ease.Perhaps she was unwise to try to do business with Elaith Craulnobur.As she hesitated, Danilo came up and seated himself in the chair beside her.The nobleman took a small snuffbox out of his magic sack and helped himself to a liberal pinch.He sneezed violently and repeatedly, then he offered the box in turn to Arilyn and to Elaith."Thank you, no," Elaith said coldly.Arilyn just stared at Danilo.His intention was too obvious to miss: by reminding her of Perendra's snuffbox, he was telling her not to trust the elf.She would not have thought Danilo capable of coming up with such a ruse, and for a moment she was inclined to agree with the dandy.Yet she intended to tell Elaith Craulnobur only what the elf could easily gain from other sources.What harm could there be in that?Arilyn briefly described the assassin's method and macabre signature.Under Elaith's prompting, she listed the victims, the approximate date of each attack, and the location.Finally she could think of nothing more that she wished the elf to know."Very impressive." Elaith looked up from the parchment, and smiled reassuringly at Arilyn."That should give me enough to start.I'll get right on it and let you know as soon as I learn anything." He rose and held out his palm to Arilyn.Grateful, she laid her hand over his."I appreciate your help.""My dear, be assured that I shall do whatever I can.""Why?" demanded Danilo bluntly.Elaith withdrew his hand from Arilyn's and looked the noble over, an amused smile on his face."The etriel and I have much in common [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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