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.It’s all very ridiculous.”He bent down, kissed his wife.“You smell fishy,” she said.“How’d you do?”“Four.”“Big ones?”“Decent size.”“We can eat whenever you’re ready.”Jack showered and dressed in a plaid button-up and blue jeans that were perhaps a size too small and still smelled strongly of their prior owner.Tinged with the remnant of sweet smoke, cigar or pipe.Something crinkled in the back pocket as Jack walked from the bedroom to the kitchen, and he dug out a receipt for a box of tippet from the Great Outdoor Shop in Pinedale, purchased four months ago with a credit card by Douglas W.Holt.A three-course meal: freshly-baked bread, one can of broccoli cheddar soup, a rainbow trout, seasoned and grilled.They had learned to eat slowly, to stretch out each course with conversation or some other diversion.That afternoon, Dee had perused a shelf of old paperbacks in the game closet, picked a David Morrell thriller, and now she read to them the first chapter during the soup course.After supper, she boiled a pot of chamomile tea.“That soup was excellent,” Jack said as she carried four steaming mugs over to the table, two in each hand.“You really outdid yourself.”“Old family recipe, you know.The Campbells.”“Who’s that?” Cole asked.“Mom’s kidding around.”“But seriously, Jack, the fish was incredible.”He sipped his tea.Could’ve been stronger, but it felt so good just to hold the warm mug in his hands which were still raw from long hours of casting.“Busy boy today, huh?” Dee said.“Four fish and how much wood did you cut?”“I didn’t cut any wood.”“Of course you did.”He flashed a perplexed smile.“Um, I didn’t.”“Are you joking?”“About what?”“Cutting firewood.”“No, why?”“I heard a chainsaw.”Jack set his mug on the table and stared at Dee.“When?” he asked.“Late this afternoon.”“Where was the sound of the chainsaw coming from?”“The driveway.I thought you were taking down more trees.”Cole said, “What’s wrong?”“Jack, you’re playing around, and all things considered, what we’ve been through, this isn’t funny at—”“I fished all day.Naomi, did you take the chainsaw out?” But he knew the answer before she spoke, because the mug was rattling against the table in her trembling hands.Dee started to rise.“No, don’t get up.”“We have to—”“Just listen.” Jack lowered his voice.“If people have found the cabin, then they’re probably watching us right now through that window at your back, waiting until we go to bed.”“Waiting for what?” Naomi asked.“Everyone drink your tea and act like we’re wrapping up a nice family evening.”His mouth had run dry.He sipped his tea and let his eyes move briefly past Dee’s shoulder to the window behind the kitchen table, the only one in the house they hadn’t shielded with a blanket since it backed right up against the woods.Nothing to see at this hour, the sun long since set.Wondered if someone crouched out there in the dark at this moment, watching his family.“You’re sure you heard it?” he said quietly.“The chainsaw?”“Yes.”“I heard it, too.” Tears rolling down Naomi’s face.“I thought it was you, Dad.”Before supper, Jack had switched off the solar power system to recharge overnight and they’d eaten by firelight.Several candles lit the living room, too.One in each of the upstairs bedrooms.“The shotgun and the Glock are under our bed,” Jack said.“I think we have a box of ammo for the Glock that’s mostly full, but we’re down to the last half-dozen twelve gauge shells.” He looked at Naomi, then Dee, then Cole.Hated the fear he saw.“We’re going to act like it’s just another normal night.I’ll put Cole to bed.Naomi, you head up to your room.Dee, clear the table and get all the cans of food and whatever bread’s left into a plastic bag, some silverware, too, and a can opener.We don’t know how close they are to the cabin, if they can see inside, see us in the other rooms, so don’t hurry, but don’t take too much time either.”“What about all our meat?”“Leave it.I’ll come back downstairs and then Dee and I will blow out the living room and kitchen and bedroom candles.We’ll dress in the dark, all of us, all the clothes we can wear, and then we’ll meet in the other downstairs bedroom—the one near the shed.Naomi, you stay upstairs with your brother after I’ve left and listen for me to call you down.Got it?”She was crying.“I don’t want to leave.”“Me either, but can you do this, what I’m asking?”She nodded.“Look, maybe there’s nobody out there, but we have to make sure, and we aren’t safe in here until we know.”“Are we going to take the car?” Dee asked.“No, because they probably have one blocking us in.I’m sure they were using the chainsaw to cut that tree I brought down across the driveway.So they could drive up.We just need to get into the woods and hide until I can figure out what’s going on.”Jack carried his son through the kitchen, up the spiral staircase, and into the bedroom.Threw back the covers and laid Cole on the mattress.“Naomi’s right next door,” Jack said.“You listen to your sister, okay?”“Don’t blow out the candle.”“I have to, buddy.”“I don’t like it dark.”“Cole, I need you to be brave.” He kissed the boy’s forehead.“I’ll see you real soon.”Jack extinguished the candle on the dresser and tried not to rush down the steps.The kitchen was already dark, the plastic bag of food tied off and sitting on the hearth.He blew out the candles on the coffee table and moved blindly toward his and Dee’s bedroom, eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness.Dee stood by the blanketed window.“What are you doing?” he whispered.“Just peeking out at the meadow.Haven’t seen anything yet.”“Let’s get going.”Jack donned two more pipe-scented shirts, his fingers struggling with the buttons in the dark, heart slamming in his chest.When he’d dressed, he slid two shells into the Mossberg to replace the two he’d used on the elk.He crammed the four remaining into the side pocket of his jeans, grabbed the Mag-Lite from the bedside table drawer, and handed Dee the Glock.In the living room, Jack called up to his children [ 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