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.You need to find your inner strength just as Luke needs to find his self-worth.”Deanna nodded.“You’re right.It’s just I have this gut feeling that something terrible is going to happen, and it’s going to be my fault.”“Don’t borrow trouble.We can’t predict if and when something’s going to happen.If we keep on worrying like this, we’ll be crazy as betsy bugs by the time whatever is going to happen happens.”“If only Tyler had found some proof of who killed the cattle and set the fire.”“Whoever’s doing your family’s dirty work is smart enough not to leave any evidence behind.My money is on Eddie Nunley.What do you think?”“Eddie’s a smart man, all right,” Deanna agreed.“And he’s devoted to my mother.I think he probably loves her.I don’t know that they’ve been lovers, but I suspect they have.”“There have been rumors,” Kizzie said.“Even before your daddy was killed.” Kizzie tugged on Deanna’s hand.“Let’s pick up the mail and then stop by Wellington’s and get the fixings for Alva’s chocolate chip cake.It’s Luke’s favorite and she’s going to teach you how to make it, isn’t she?”Deanna followed Kizzie into the small brick building that housed the post office.“Alva believes that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” Deanna said.“Yeah, that’s partly true.His stomach and a part of his anatomy that’s a little lower.”Deanna laughed, releasing the tension that tormented her.Kizzie was right.She couldn’t continue in this state of nervous worry.She was at the point now that the least little noise scared her senseless.Kizzie spoke to two ranchers who were picking up their mail.When they stared at Deanna, Kizzie introduced her and didn’t react at all when they murmured among themselves as she and Deanna gathered the Montrose mail, bought stamps and mailed a package.The moment they walked outside, Kizzie huffed loudly.“Darn old busybodies.Hurt Medford and Earl Frost are worse than a bunch of women at a church social about gossiping.I’ll bet meeting up with us just made their day.The whole county’s buzzing with the news that you’re living at Montrose.”“They’ll really have something to talk about when I remember who killed Daddy and can clear Luke’s name.”“Let’s hope that happens real soon.”Deanna and Kizzie made their rounds in town and headed home for Montrose.Distant thunder warned of impending rain.“We sure could use a good soaking,” Kizzie said.“Things are getting pretty dry.”“Are you afraid of another fire?” Deanna asked.“Now, don’t go reading anything into a harmless comment.What you should do is find something to take your mind off things.You really should go visit Patsy Ruth or have her and that passel of kids out to the ranch.”“All right.All right.” Deanna clutched the bundle of mail in her hands.“I’ll drive over and spend the day with Patsy Ruth tomorrow.She’s called several times and invited me.It’s just.well, I suppose I think I should be at Montrose in case something does happen.”By the time Kizzie parked the Lexus at the side of the house, huge raindrops were plunking down out of the sky.She grabbed the sack of groceries, while Deanna held the mail against her chest, and the two of them made a mad dash toward the porch.Alva swung the door open, took the sack from Kizzie and stepped aside to allow them entrance.Deanna ran her hand through her damp hair and thought that it was probably curling around her face as it always did when it was wet.“There was a phone call for you, Miss Deanna,” Alva said.“From whom?” Deanna asked.“They didn’t leave a name.But it was a man.”A sense of foreboding hit Deanna like a jolt of electricity.“Did he leave a message?”“Sure did.And a right peculiar message it was.”“What was it?” Kizzie glanced at Deanna and the two women shared a moment of anxious anticipation.“The man said, ‘Tell Deanna Atchley she’ll be better off without Luke McClendon.’ Don’t you think that’s odd?”Sour bile rose from Deanna’s stomach, burning a trail up her throat.“A threat.Oh, my God!”“Luke!” Kizzie cried.“Where is Luke right now, Alva?” Deanna asked.“Did he let you know where he’s working today?”“Mr.Luke said to tell you, Mrs.McClendon, that he’d look over the mail after lunch.He planned to make the rounds checking the water troughs this morning.”“He could be anywhere,” Kizzie said frantically, then turned to Alva.“Did he take his truck or ride Cherokee?”“He rode Cherokee.”“Damn!” Kizzie paced the floor.“That means his cell phone is probably still in his truck.”“What’s all the fuss about?” Alva asked.“Are you afraid something has happened to Mr.Luke?”Pain welled up inside Deanna like a fast-growing tumor, filling her body, pressing on her lungs, pounding on her heart.The thought that her family could have harmed Luke, might have ordered his murder, ripped Deanna apart as swiftly and adeptly as any steel blade could have done.“We have to find him!” Deanna grabbed Kizzie.“We have to find him before it’s too late [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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