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."It was a morning wedding, big church, hundreds of people, many of whom I didn't know.It was wonderful."Somehow Natalie didn't believe her, but she didn't want to get into what was obviously a touchy subject."My parents love Drew," Laura continued."My dad considers him the son he never had." She paused, a somber expression on her face."Marrying Drew was the smartest thing I ever did.That's what my mom always says.And she's right.He gave me two great girls.I live in a beautiful home.What more could a woman want? Nothing, right? My life is perfect.""If you weren't trying so hard to convince me, I might believe you," Natalie said quietly, taking a sip of her coffee."No one's life is perfect.""It's just that Drew works a lot.I haven't even had a chance to tell him about the book.I know he'll be shocked." Laura leaned forward as she said, "When you read the book, Natalie, didn't you feel like one of us was talking? It's crazy.I didn't write that book, and I don't think you had anything to do with it, so who? Madison?"Natalie hated to think that Madison would have done anything to exploit Emily's memory, but someone had to have spoken to the author."It seems the most likely possibility.""Maybe we should try to find her.We could look on the Internet.She might be here in the Bay Area.Her parents lived in Marin County.It would make sense for her to be somewhere around here.Although she could still be in Europe." Laura took a breath."Do you remember that Halloween when Emily dressed up as a fortune-teller and predicted our futures? She said Madison would live in Paris, meet a sexy painter, and make love all afternoon.Maybe that came true.""Maybe, but she also said you would marry the prince of a small foreign country and wear a tiara in your hair.And I would end up globe-trotting the world with an adventurer, braving rapids, climbing mountains, and jumping out of airplanes.That was the silliest prediction of all." It saddened her to realize that no one had ever predicted a future for Emily.Why hadn't one of them donned the fortune-teller's cape and looked into the crystal ball for Emily?They sat for a moment just looking at each other.The air between them was thick with sadness and regret, two emotions that Natalie had spent a lot of time living with.She glanced down at her watch, relieved to see the time.She had to go to work.Work was the only place where she could forget."I have to go," she said to Laura."My shift starts in an hour.""What about Malone? I think it was you he ran away from, Natalie, not me.""Why do you say that?""Because if you read a little farther in the book, you'll see that." Laura's voice dropped off."Never mind.Just keep reading.""What am I going to find out?" Natalie asked, feeling suddenly queasy.Laura bit down on her bottom lip."I could be wrong, but you know in the prologue how he says one of us knew what happened to Emily that night? Everything seems to be pointing to you.""In what possible way?""In the book, Ellie asks Nancy to get her a drug from the health center to help her focus on her homework better, because Nancy works there and has access to the medication.""But I didn't have access, and I told Emily that she should never take anything that wasn't prescribed by her doctor, that it would be dangerous.""I know that, Natalie, but in the book it makes it sound like you and Em had a huge fight about it.And we both know she got that bottle of pills somewhere.""But she didn't take any," Natalie said, as her heart sank to her stomach.The police had found a bottle of Adderall in Emily's dresser drawer, a medication used to treat attention deficit disorder, and one that had become the drug of choice for normal kids wanting to improve concentration in late-night cramming sessions.Which reminded her that this nightmare was getting worse.If the book became connected to her, if St.Timothy's found out that she was supposed to have played a role in someone's death with medication she'd stolen from a health center, her reputation could be ruined.She couldn't stand the thought of losing everything she had worked so hard to get."It might not have been the only bottle," Laura said."No one knows where she got it or how much she had.But that's not all.The story line also implies that you and Emily were fighting about Cole, that Emily was against your relationship, that she thought you were using her to get to Cole.""God," Natalie said on a sigh.It was getting worse and worse."And you were drunk the night of the party—so drunk you couldn't remember where you'd been or who you'd been with [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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