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.And it was physically painful for me to relay the story to anyone.It even took me months to tell Jackson, and I trusted him more than anyone in the entire world.“I don’t think I can talk about it.” I clasped and unclasped my hands in my lap.My gaze found the window that overlooked our front yard.There was a slight breeze, and a few leaves skittered along the glass pane.If only I could be like them, floating in the breeze, far away from all these questions.I glanced up at the clouds, fluffy and white.Was Jackson somewhere beyond them? Was that where heaven was? And if so, was he watching me? I stared at the sky desperately wishing it had answers.“You’re going to have to.” Mr.Roth’s voice was gentler than before, but I could still tell I wasn’t getting out of this.“This isn’t a joke, Piper.You’re a suspect in a murder.And so far you don’t even have an alibi for where you were when Jackson was killed.Your past is going to make you seem even guiltier.” He leaned toward me.“Please give me something that will help your case.”I slumped back in my seat, wondering if it was even worth it.Did I deserve help? Perhaps jail is where I belonged.Without Jackson I would rot away no matter where I was.Why not prison?When I met Jackson, it seemed too good to be true.I couldn’t understand how a girl like me would be fortunate enough to be loved by someone as amazing as Jackson.I often worried that my past would catch up to me.And now it seemed that it finally had.Bentley was finally getting his revenge.And wasn’t that what he always wanted?Everyone knew who Bentley Fairgood was.His dad was the mayor of Cherry Wood after all.Not only that, but he was captain of the football team, class president, and the best looking boy on campus.And from the very first time I’d laid eyes on him I would’ve given anything to be with him.I wasn’t alone in my desire either.My best friend Stella had a major crush on him too.Stella and I lived on the same street, and we’d been friends since we were in fifth grade.She was a little superficial and high maintenance, but a lot of people said that about me too.I guess that was the downfall of being the daughter of a doctor.I’d been raised to act a certain way, to behave in a particular manner.And my life was lived in a bubble.We resided in an upscale neighborhood.I’d never even really seen poverty, much less been exposed to it.The hurting and destitute wasn’t something I was familiar with.I supposed I grew up thinking life was one big party.The only escape I had from my bubble was my acting.However, even that was done in the center of town with people I’d grown up with.But at least it allowed me to explore a different side of myself.To have something that was mine alone.Dad never came to any of my plays, but Mom did.And she enjoyed them.I knew I was good.My teacher told me all the time.But that wasn’t how I knew.I knew because I could feel it.When I acted, I could transform into someone else.And I felt it like a physical thing, the same way a caterpillar must feel when it turns into a butterfly.I could transform the same way.It wasn’t just my voice and mannerisms, I felt different, like I’d slipped into someone else’s body entirely.Like when you hear about ghosts inhabiting another person.That’s what I imagined I did.I took an imaginary character, breathed life into their dead lungs and embodied them.It was after one of my plays that I first spoke to Bentley.He’d attended with his father.During the show I hadn’t even noticed him.Of course that made sense.I never noticed the audience at all.Once I got into character, the rest of the world faded away.Oftentimes when a play ended I’d glance down at the rows of chairs with people sitting in them, and feel momentarily confused.“Piper, right?” Bentley cornered me backstage.I wondered how he even got back there, until I remembered he was the mayor’s son.He probably thought he could go anywhere.I nodded, unsure of why Bentley was even speaking to me.He never had before, and we’d gone to school together for years.“You were incredible up there.” He nodded his head toward the stage.“Thanks.” Heat crept up my neck and spilled across my cheeks.I fingered the bottom of my puffy sleeves, embarrassed to still be in my costume.This puffy dress wasn’t the most flattering thing on me.“What are you doing later?”My head snapped up at his question.“Like tonight?”He flashed me an amused smile.“Yep.”“Nothing.” After the words flippantly left my mouth, I mentally chastised myself.Now I sounded like a loser.“Well, I mean, sometimes the cast gets together afterward, but I don’t have to.”He grinned.At the time I thought it was sweet.Later I would look back at that moment and see that smile for what it was.It was a satisfied look.He knew I would sacrifice for him, that already he was more important than other things, that I would choose him.If only I’d been able to read him then.If only I’d been smarter.But I wasn’t.And so I went out with him that night.And pretty soon I was going out with him every night.At first it was like a dream.I felt like the most special girl in the world.Even my parents were over the moon.They loved Bentley.He was charismatic and charming.When he flashed one of his heart-stopping smiles, he made you believe he was the most genuine guy in the world.Sometimes I saw glimpses of something else in the shadows of his irises, something not quite right with his grin, but I always sloughed it off as paranoia.Besides, all my friends were beside themselves with jealousy.That shouldn’t have made me happy, but it did.You see, I’d never been the prettiest girl or the most popular.Usually it was Stella who got all the guys.I was just the quirky, eccentric one.Even before I dressed like I do now, I’d been pegged.I was the drama geek.The girl who liked theatre and poetry.Boys weren’t into that.But finally a boy was.And not just any boy.Bentley Fairgood.After we’d been dating about a month, Bentley took me to a party.I’d never drank before and hadn’t planned on it that night.Instead I stuck to soda.But Bentley drank.He and his friends downed red cups of beer in the kitchen.They played games and took shots of tequila.Pretty soon he was wasted.I worried about it a little, wondering how I’d get home.I knew better than to get into the car with someone who had been drinking.I could drive, but I didn’t have my car, and there was no way Bentley would let me drive his.“Hey, baby,” Bentley slurred, draping an arm over my shoulders.“Let me get you another drink.” Reaching out, he plucked the plastic cup out of my hand.“It’s just soda, Bentley,” I told him.“I know.” He kissed the tip of my nose.“Don’t worry.”As he staggered into the kitchen to refill my soda, I glanced around the room.A few girls stared in my direction, envy drawn all over their faces.Warmth spread through me as Bentley returned.I took the cup in my hand, grateful that it was soda.I’ll admit a part of me thought he might try to slip some beer in my cup.Bentley was certainly pushy when he wanted something.And even though he acted like it was no big deal that I wasn’t drinking tonight, I could tell it bothered him a little.Wrapping his arms around me, Bentley kissed me hard on the mouth.His lips fumbled over mine, his tongue sliding sloppily over my mouth.It wasn’t the best kiss ever, but I didn’t dare stop him.Bentley didn’t take rejection well.“I’m not feeling so good,” He spoke against my mouth.“Oh.” I held on to him tightly.“Okay, c’mon.I’ll get you to a bathroom.”“No.” He composed himself, standing up taller and adjusting the baseball cap on his head.Dark tufts of hair peeked out from beneath the bill.I thought he looked sexy in a hat.The shadowing made his dark eyes even darker.His chocolate brown eyes were one of the things I liked about him.“I’m not that kind of sick.I just have a headache [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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