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.Rose was satisfied with Lillian and her willingness to learn, however, and did not complain.Rose remained quietly in her chamber that day and for several days following Dragon’s departure.No one questioned her request to take her meals in her room, and Rose supposed it was due to Raj and his daunting presence.After several days of solitude, Rose was so bored she asked Lillian if there was a private garden in which she could walk and enjoy the fresh air.“There is a small herb and vegetable garden behind the kitchen,” Lillian said after a moment of thought.“No one but the kitchen staff and gardener goes there.There is even a bench where you can sit and enjoy the sunshine.I sometimes help out in the kitchen and gather herbs and vegetables for the king’s table.”“Perfect,” Rose said, clapping her hands.“I am bored with naught to do.Mayhap some fresh air will clear my head.”“I will show you the way, for I doubt you can find it on your own.”When Rose told Raj of her intention to walk in the kitchen garden, he protested.“My master said you were to remain inside your chamber unless summoned by the king.”Rose immediately became defensive.“I shall go mad if I cannot leave this chamber.Surely you can understand that, Raj.I need fresh air, and the weather is warm and mild, too nice to remain inside.Besides, Lillian said no one but the kitchen staff ever goes into the herb and vegetable garden.I shall be perfectly safe there.”“Very well, mistress,” Raj said in a tone of disapproval.“I will accompany you.”Rose was delighted with the small garden and its peaceful setting.The scent of herbs seemed to soothe her worry about Dragon.She had heard naught from him since he’d left a fortnight ago, and even Raj could learn nothing about the skirmishes along the Welsh marches.All she could do was wait and worry.Rose’s first excursion out of doors went so well that she made a daily habit of strolling about the walled garden.One day Lillian came for her early with a summons from the king.“The king wishes to see me?” Rose asked.Lillian nodded vigorously.The palace guard said you are to attend him immediately, my lady.I came straightaway to get you.”Rose exchanged a worried look with Raj and left the peaceful surroundings of the garden.For all she knew, it might be the last peaceful moment she would enjoy.“I will accompany you, mistress,” Raj said as he fell into step behind Rose.When they reached the reception chamber, a guardsman stepped between Rose and Raj.“I will escort the lady to His Majesty.”Lillian made a hasty exit, but Raj remained, apparently undaunted by the guardsman’s dismissal.“You,” the guardsman said, pointing his lance at Raj.“Return to your duties.”Raj straightened to his full impressive height.“My mistress goes nowhere without me.”The guardsman started to protest but gave way beneath Raj’s fierce expression.Rose entered the king’s privy chamber, approached the throne and executed a passable curtsy.“You wished to see me, Your Majesty? Have you heard from Lord Dragon? Is he well?”“I have heard naught, so I assume the Welsh are still harassing my army.I summoned you for a reason that has naught to do with Dragon.”Rose’s heart pounded erratically.“Whydid you summon me?”“It has come to my attention that you have not joined us at meals nor attended the games and dancing enjoyed by my court.”“I prefer to sup alone.Tis unseemly to enjoy entertainment while my husband fights your war.”King John’s eyes narrowed.“Beware, mistress.Choose your words wisely while speaking to me.” His gaze shifted to Raj, and his eyebrows lifted.“Why is Dragon’s man still here?”“My master wished me to remain behind to protect his lady,” Raj said, not waiting for leave to speak.“Lady Rose is under my protection; she needs no champion.I give you leave to join your master on the Welsh marches.”“I obey no one but my master,” Raj maintained.John half rose from his chair, and Rose feared for Raj’s life.“Your Majesty, please forgive Raj.He is unfamiliar with our ways.He knows only one master and obeys none but Lord Dragon.”Somewhat appeased, the king sat down.“Consider yourself fortunate, foreigner, that your mistress spoke so prettily in your defense.”“Is there a reason for your summons, sire?” Rose asked, adroitly changing the subject.“Indeed there is.I wish you to attend me at the feast during Rogation Days.I am certain you will enjoy the three days of feasting and entertainment I have planned.While the meals will not be as sumptuous as those we enjoyed at Christmastide, I am confident you will find something to tempt your palate.Mayhap you will meet some old acquaintances, as well as make new ones.”“Highly unlikely,” Rose murmured.“What did you say? Speak up.”“I know no one in London.”“Nevertheless, your presence is required.Do I make myself clear?”“Perfectly,” Rose answered, making an effort to harness her temper.The king waved her away.“You are dismissed.”Rose started to back away, then paused.“Are you certain you have heard naught from the Welsh marches?”“Have I not said so?” John thundered.“You sorely try me, madam.Go, before I forget my promise to Dragon.”Rose fled, grateful for Raj’s bulk behind her.She heard laughter following her out the door but cared not what the king’s lackeys thought about her, for she thought even less of them.Lillian helped Rose dress for the feast that night [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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