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.“In case you’re not, what would you like me to bring you from here, should I visit?” He was smiling, but there was something in his tone….She frowned.These guys took jokes far too seriously.“Well, let’s see,” she pretended to ponder.“I’ll be stuck on an alien planet with no entertainment.How about a deck of cards?”Fallon shook his head, but said nothing.Mathin escorted her to the trees at the edge of the clearing.It was growing surprisingly warm in spite of the thickening cloud cover, so she paused to tie her sweatshirt around her waist.“You know, after all the stories you’ve told me, I’m almost disappointed there really isn’t a gate.The Dark Lands sound pretty cool.”“I’m glad you think so.” Mathin gestured for her to precede him.A trickle of unease made her hesitate.There was something about him, something odd about the woods around them.Even though she couldn’t put her finger on it, something wasn’t right.Suspicious now, she said, “Just where are we going, anyway?”Her eyes dropped to the gun belt and sheathed dagger at his hips.This morning she hadn’t questioned the need for protection from wild animals; for the first time, she wondered if her companion might be one.Dark eyes watched her with frightening calculation.He knew she was afraid, but he wasn’t going to let fear keep her from crossing over.Her world was no longer safe.He would’ve liked to reason with her, but women weren’t always logical, and he hadn’t known her long enough to predict what she’d do.Instead, he relied on persuasion.“But we’re almost there.Don’t you want to see the Dark Lands?”“Maybe another time,” she answered carefully, taking a step back.Something was up, and she didn’t want to hang around and find out what.Whatever it was, it certainly wasn’t a trip to an alien planet.Unless Mathin was already on a private trip of his own? Chills ran down her back.The possibility of narcotic influences would explain so much.His mood swings, his fascination with the Dark Lands.How could she have been so blind to the clues?A stick cracked loudly under her heel, causing her to slip on the leaf mold.Instantly Mathin was there, preventing a fall with an arm under her back…and subtly walking her forward the last few, critical paces.Slyly, he distracted her with chatter.“Are you all right? You have to be careful, it’s slippery out here.These aren’t groomed trails.”Andrea unwittingly took four paces before she tried to resist.“Stop! I don’t—” That was when she looked up—and screamed.On the other side of the gate, Fallon winced.That must have been painful at close range.Shaking his head for the trouble Mathin had willingly embraced, he kicked his stallion into a walk.He had business to tend to.“What is that?”Far from shrinking from him now, Andrea’s backside was practically welded to his front as she backed pedaled into him.Of course, he was blocking her escape.The magnificent redwoods and tall ferns of his home world surrounded them, but he doubted she’d even noticed the scenery yet.Mathin sighed.“It’s just a feeder beetle.They’re harmless.” If this was the way she reacted to what amounted to pet food, he was not looking forward to her reaction to the Haunt.The object of her terror turned its black head toward them and waved its antenna, mildly interested.Andrea yelped and skittered behind Mathin, using him for a shield.“It’s the size of a cocker spaniel! You’ve got the gun; shoot it!”With a grunt of amusement, he grabbed a small stick from the forest floor and tossed it half-heartedly toward the beetle.It bounced off its back with a dull clunk, sending the creature scurrying.“There.Now…” He frowned as she backed away, her eyes on the towering forest.Wild spice scented the air of the alien world around her.The surrounding woods had shifted and melded together so subtly that she hadn’t even noticed the change, but there was no doubt in her mind that she was elsewhere.And suddenly, desperately, she wanted to go home.Thinking to find the way back she whirled…and came face to snout with a wolf.She shrieked and shot back so fast she lost her footing and landed on her butt.So much for running.“Easy,” Mathin soothed as he knelt and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.“The volti won’t hurt you.At least not when you’re with me,” he amended, for the volti were respected for their ferocity.The pack was gathering, drawn to the disturbance.They ghosted from the woods, forming a loose circle around Andrea and Mathin.While nominally under Haunt control, volti could be unpredictable.Andrea was behaving like prey, and Mathin knew he had to exert dominance quickly, before the pack decided she was fair game.He locked eyes with the pack leader, a big female.“Mine.”The volti held his eyes, her expression cunning.“Mine.” Mathin’s eyes narrowed.In his present mood, he wouldn’t object to skinning her.The female snorted and paced away, conceding the prize to the more dangerous predator.The rest of the pack melted into the woods, in search of easier prey.“You’re going to get me killed,” Andrea whispered, but her shoulders relaxed.“You’re making this more difficult than it has to be.” He helped her to her feet, helpfully dusting her rear.She swatted his hand.“Stop it! This wouldn’t be happening if….” She trailed off, her eyes going to the end of the path.A company of a dozen or more werewolves marched their way with military precision.Armed like Mathin, they had the flattened faces of wolves and seemed at home with the volti that flanked them.Mathin grabbed her arm before she could swoon.“Easy, there.You’ve gone white.No one’s going to hurt you.”His assurances buzzed in her ears like agitated bees.Werewolves.Giant bugs.This place was going to kill her.There came a time when even the most timid woman hit a wall.Flight was nice, but it was obvious there was no way to outrun the monsters now.Mathin barely had time to grab her as she snatched the gun from his holster.“Let me go!” she shouted, struggling in his arms.She kicked his shins as he wrapped her in a bear hug that squeezed the air from her lungs.“Settle down! I don’t want to hurt you.” He grunted as she landed a sharp heel kick to his calf.Had he known she’d be this panicked, he’d have brought a tranquilizer.Hadn’t his stories helped at all?Lack of air finally forced her to stop struggling.Immediately his arms loosed, letting her breathe.“Send me home,” she gasped.“You are home.” He had to tighten his arms as she picked up the fight, but she was tired from the last battle.The physical contest didn’t bother him, but when she hung her head and whispered, “No,” it hurt.She was trembling, so he turned her in his arms to comfort her, gently touched her cheek.She bit him.Then she tried to knee his crotch.“That’s it!” Mathin hefted the hellion and tossed her over his shoulder.When she pulled his hair, he swatted her sharply on the butt.There was ominous stillness.“Sir?” A soldier had shifted into human form so he could speak.He was dressed all in black from his combat boots to his black leather vest.Even his hair and eyes were dark.The only spot of color on him was the red Celtic knot on the uniform over his heart.He held a com, and his tone was professional, which much have taken some effort, considering the show Andrea was putting on.“Lord Jayems requests an audience with you after you’ve…” His eyes slid to Andrea and his nostrils flared.His gaze became rather glassy [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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